TL;DR:– 2:48:10 (PB)– 130 day run streak (total: 2530.1km, avg. ~19.46km/day)– 12 weeks @ 160km/week DetailsSince running a PB of 2:56 way back in Boston Marathon 2013 and after a disastrous DNF at Beppu in 2015, I had almost given
IM Taiwan Training: Update #2
(I swear this will be the last time I ever use this image) Here’s a brief synopsis of what transpired over the last month: * Overtrained for Beppu marathon and DNF (Details) * Resumed training for an Ironman way too
IM Taiwan update #1: the plan
Puzzle time! Less than 2 months until Ironman Taiwan. How best to divide my weekly training to get myself optimally fit? The Plan Swim: 3-5 workouts / 4-5 hours Bike: 4 workouts / 6-7 hours Run: 3-4 workouts / 2-3
Beppu Marathon – DNF

Summary The Buildup: Felt invincible. Ran a lot, got faster so ran even more. The Taper: Felt rested. Failed to notice the legs were a ticking time bomb. The Race: Felt alright. Until the calves exploded after 10 miles. Game
Kasama Half Marathon

Summary Stan Net time of 1:21:25 (PB) 87 out of 2337 overall Harrisson Net time of 1:19:15 (16 seconds off my PB) 61 out of 2337 overall
Hotaka SkyView

“Death before DNF”